
Participation is free, but we ask you to register per Email before the event (to: [email protected]). Students are especially encouraged to participate.

Schedule (UPDATED)

Tuesday (November 28), Eisenhower Room IG 1.314

9.30 - 9.45 - Coffee/Welcome 
9.45 - 11.15 - Keynote 1: Eva Schmidt „Hume and the Unity of Reasons“ 
11.30 - 12.45 -  Alexander Dinges „On Group Epistemology“ 
12.45 - 14.15 -  Lunch
14.15 - 15.30 -  Emily McWilliams „Hijacking Joint Inquiry“
15.45 - 17.00 - Ross Patrizio „Testimony, Understanding, and Inquiry.“
17.15 - 18.30 - Basil Müller „Bad Social Norms rather than Bad Believers — Examining the Role of 

Social Norms in Bad Beliefs.“
19.00 - Dinner Restaurant Isoletta

Wednesday (November 29). Eisenhower Room IG 1.314

9.30 - 9.45 - Coffee
9.45 - 11.15 - Keynote 2: Sinan Dogramaci „Why I Am Not a Boltzmann Brain“
11.30 - 12.45 - Michael Vollmer „A Two Scale Model of Weighing Epistemic Reasons“
12.45 - 14.15 - Lunch 

Room change after lunch: PEG 2.G 094 

14.15 - 15.30 - Amelia Kahn „Self-Undermining Inquiry“ 
15.45 - 17.00 - Luis Rosa „Inquiry Forbidden“ 
17.15 - 18.30 - Itamar Weinshtock Saadon „Knowledge and Action: A Euthyphro Challenge“


On November 28, and the morning of 29th, the workshop will take place in the Eisenhower Room ("Eisenhower Saal") of the IG Farben Haus on Campus Westend [Google Maps Link]. Enter the building via the main entrance (see Campus Map below), then there will be plenty of signs to lead you to the Eisenhower Room. On the 29th after lunch, we will continue the workshop in Room  PEG 2.G 094 in the PEG-Building, also on Campus Westend [Google Maps Link]

Lunch & Dinner

We will have lunch at the dining hall of the University, which is directly on campus and has a wide variety of food on offer, including vegan options.

On November 28, there will be a workshop dinner at 19:00 at Restaurante Isoletta.

Please let us know until November 26 whether you will join us for dinner.