Winter 24/25
- Grundlagen der Wissenschaftstheorie / Introduction to the Philosophy of Science
- New Debates in Epistemology: Zetetic Rationality, Permissivism and Idealization
Summer 24
- Early Modern Philosophy of Mind / Neuzeitliche Philosophie des Geistes
- Soziale Erkenntnistheorie / Social Epistemology
Winter 23/24
- The Epistemology of Legal Proof (eng.)
- Knowledge / Wissen
Summer 23
- Knowledge and Action / Wissen und Handeln
- Locke: An Essay Concerning Human Understanding / Locke: Versuch über den menschlichen Verstand
Winter 22/23
- Epistemic Justification / Epistemische Rechtfertigung
- Belief / Glauben
Summer 22
- Paul: Transformative Experience
- Descartes and skepticism in epistemology / Descartes und der erkenntnistheoretische Skeptizismus
Winter 21/22
- Fricker: Epistemic Injustice
- Lies, Bullshit and Fake News / Lügen, Bullshit und Fake News
Winter 18/19
- Belief / Glauben (with Moritz Schulz)